To help our community


Please collect quarters for “Laundry Love”: There are “Laundry Love” offering boxes in the narthexes for you to take home to put your quarters in.  We will be overseeing Laundry Love three times a year.  If you bring quarters in the church, you may empty them and put your quarters in the plastic box on the table in the Elders room on Sunday mornings or in the various Laundry Love collection boxes throughout the church.




The Main Street Youth Center is in need of individually wrapped afterschool snacks.  Donations may be dropped off in the bin at the back of the sanctuary or at the center at 513 South Fourth St. from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. For more information, you can call the center directly at 270-753-8336.



Little Acts of Kindness Bags for Foster Care Youth


If you would like to provide a "Little Act of Kindness" bags for a foster child, please bring the following items to the church. The bags are 10 x 10 inches.

Please state on a piece of paper in the bag the size of the underwear and socks and whether for a boy or girl so that the bag can be given to the appropriate child/youth.

· Toothbrush                                                 · Small hairbrush (girl)

· Toothpaste                                                  · One or two pairs of underwear

· Comb (boy)                                                 · One or two pairs of socks

· Small stuffed animal (e.g., beanie baby)

· OPTIONAL: Walmart gift card (up to $25) for items they may need


Little Acts of Kindness Bags for Distribution at the Hospital

Bags are 8" x 8" and items should be appropriate for children ages 3-6 and 7-12 years of age.


· Small doll                                                                · Small stuffed animals 

· Small cars                                                               · Crayons

· Books                                                                      · Small notebook

· Pencils                                                                    · Small coloring book 

· Cards                                                                       · Small games and puzzles