Disciple's Men's Fellowship




Our men meet every Wednesday morning for breakfast at Cross Roads Restaurant at 8:30am.  Once a month our men meet with the men from Seven other Purchase Area Disciples Churches as part of the Far Western Kentucky Christian Men’s Fellowship. These meeting rotate from month to month allowing each church the opportunity to host these meetings Within our congregation, our men provide a service called “Handy Helpers,” where they are willing to go out and help with home repairs (as small as changing a light bulb and as large as building a wheel chair ramp).  In conjunction with the Far West Men’s Group, we are grateful for the significant ministry they so generously offer especially to Camp Kum-Ba-Ya as they help to keep the facility beautifully maintained.  We encourage all men (no matter how young or old you are!) to participate in the Disciples Men’s Fellowship gatherings!



Handy Helpers

Below are some pictures taken at the 60th Anniversary of the Kentucky DMF, held here at First Christian Church in Murray, KY.