We have many small groups to be a part of!

We encourage our members to participate in at least one of the many small groups we offer through the week and month.  These small groups help build relationships among members and help the members strengthen their relationship with Christ.  

Christian Women's Fellowship is divided into three different groups which each meet once a month and come together for semi-annual General Meetings, the November Bake Sale and Bazaar, and the Mother-Child Banquet in May.


Compassion Groups meet once a month and members transition from a 12-week study program into the larger group who try to discover ways Murray can become more of a city of compassion.


Disciples Men's Fellowship meets for breakfast every Wednesday at 8:30 at The Crossroads Restaurant  and after their meeting every other month, they deliver the Green bags of groceries and supplies gathered for Needline.


Spirituality Today (Thursdays at 7 PM) explores contemporary issues through the lens of recent articles, books, and film. The first two Thursdays of each month we look at current issues primarily through a discussion of articles taken from both religious and secular sources.  The third Thursday of each month we join with our brothers and sisters in Christ from other congregations at the Ecumenical "Head and Heart" group at the First Presbyterian Church.  The fourth Thursday each month is devoted to "Faith and Film" as we explore spiritual themes through movies, following which we have a discussion over brownies and ice cream.


     Faith and Food meets once a month to discuss over dinner a book the members are reading together while at home. 


     Head and Heart is an ecumenical gathering at First Presbyterian Church where together, we are currently discussing the new DVD series on religion and science entitled "Painting the Stars."  This group is facilitated by Dr. Ken Wolf, former chair of the history department at MSU.


Home Bible Study meets every Monday night at 7 PM in various homes.