Weekly Announcements



Weekly Communion 

People are asked to come forward to pick up their communion elements during the time of communion, take them back to their seat, and partake of them as they are led.  People are also asked to use this time for reflection and prayer.  As to the form of communion, you have two choices.  One, the prepackaged type we have been using.  Two, the two cup option which has the bread in the bottom cup and the juice in the top cup.  Either way, you still only have one thing to carry.


Our Congregation bulletin board outside the office is beginning to fill up with the beautiful faces of our FCC Family, but we are still missing many of our regulars.
If you have not already, please bring a current photo of you or your family to put on the bulletin board to help Chris put faces and names together.  Be sure to include clearly printed names with your picture. You can email your picture to fccmurray@gmail.com, drop it in the offering plate on Sunday, or in the mail slot  in the fellowship hall door any time that is convenient for you.




Tuesday, Febuary 11, 1:00 p.m. ~ CWF I (FH)

Tuesday, Febuary 4, 6:30 p.m. ~ Western Square Dancing (FH)

Every Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. ~ Men’s Fellowship Breakfast at The Crossroads Rest.

Wednesday, Febuary 5 , 7:00 p.m. ~ NO Choir Practice




9:30 a.m. : Sunday School
10:30 a.m. :  In-Person Worship in the Sanctuary:  “Sunday is Only One of Seven” by Pastor Chris Owens 

Nursery Service will be offered with Lisa Allen.

Virtual Worship 10:30 a.m.:  You may attend virtually on Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram (technology and internet service permitting).