If you know someone who would like to receive the Tuesday email or if you would like to opt out of receiving emails from us, please email us at
If you would like to be included on our prayer list or would like to be removed, please call the church office or email
Please note policy regarding benevolence requests: All requests for benevolence aid must go through Pastor Chris. What this means specifically is that if someone from the congregation is asking for money from someone in need, please let them know that the church policy is that all requests must go through official channels. We have had a number of incidents where some individuals have been asked for money and this has put them in a difficult situation.
PLEASE NOTE: The City of Murray has passed a No Smoking Ordinance. You will notice that No Smoking signs have been placed on the doors in all of the entrances. It is now prohibited to smoke in all enclosed public places, outdoor public places, within 15 feet of outdoor entrances, recreational areas and parking lots. A person found to be smoking in a prohibited area is subject to the following fines by the Murray Police Department: $50 for first violation; $100 for a second violation; and each additional violation within a year is an additional $150. If you have any questions about the city’s ordinance, you can visit for more information.
Sunday Worship Services:
9:30 AM ~ Sunday School
10:30 AM ~ Worship Service
Office Hours:
10 AM - 2 PM
(270) 753-3824
Church email:
Instagram: FCC Murray